My Blog Journey

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the princess of
a blog called “Kawi’Snippets”…

lol ~ Fresh Prince of Bel Air Twist

Oh well, I discovered that I talk a lot and say quite a tonne full of things some important and others unimportant. So this friend of mine over lunch break goes like, “you should be writing down these things you say…” and just like that, with shortest gestation period ever, the blog was born. It came off as a healthy bouncing baby parrot.

It started in November 2009, with my first ever blog post being, The Elusive. Very fresh and not having tried writing before, my compositions were a fail. Truth be told,  it took me like two months to get the blogging grip. Didn’t think I could write stuff that makes sense to other people, confidence level -ve. This is what was going through my head, “I am writing my thoughts, so if some one wants to read, great, if no-one reads, then again, it’s no biggie.” Beginners mentality much.

In as much as my friend initiated the whole blogging idea, looks like I was somewhat ready to take it up. I had that urge to share. Good thing after a while I also found out it was theraputic. Much better than sleep (which is the other thing I do when I’m not so okay). This one is a good habit that I hope and pray matures into something  more concrete.

For now, it’s just a blog. An avenue for you to connect with a small girls big mind. A girl who’s working, schooling, dating, being a daughter, sister and a friend. It’s about influencing, impacting and inspiring whoever reads my blog through my writing which mostly revolves around life lessons among other things. Check out My 5 Links, describing some posts. Although, that only doesn’t do me any justice. Also, check out some of my Fun Facts.

Feel free to stalk my blog, there’s a lot to read. Follow me on twitter: @Kawiria or Facebook: Kawi Snippets and let’s keep in touch.  Blessings!

Signing Off ~~~ *Kawi*